And here I thought I was in better shape this year than last. I don't think that is the case.
I missed my PR again in the Jingle Bell 5K by 10 measley seconds. Race was alright... somewhat unorganized. It started 20 minutes late, but hey, what do I know about directing a race? At least the timing was accurate! This was a fairly flat course on a very nice day... if there was going to be a PR, today was the day. Not in the cards for me this year. Oh well.
The Frostbite Festival 10 miler was this past Sunday. This was the second time I ran this race. I really like this race. Great distance, great jackets in the race packet, and a challenging course! Last year my time for this race was 1:27:58, an 8:47 pace. This year... not as good. 1:29:25, an 8:57 pace. I felt like I gave it my all and I guess that's what counts. Last year I did a full 1/2
marathon training plan to prepare for this race. This year I did a marathon in Oct, recovered for a few weeks with very few runs in there, and then did a 5 week plan from runners world. I think I know what the difference is now!

So, now on with the holidays. I love this time of year! I'll definitely need to watch myself with all the yummy goodies. I could stand to lose a few lbs... also might have been a factor in the lack of PR's this year!
My plans for after Jan 1? Well, I'm dyyyyyyyyying to do a 1/2 ironman triathlon next year. I really really really really want to do Kansas 70.3 on June 6, but I'm not sure I can come up with the funds. It's over 200 bucks to enter! I suppose it's well worth it with the experience, but it's just hard to come up with it this time of year. Hopefully it doesn't fill up before I get the money! I know, I know, I'm in an expensive sport... but I'm still trying to be thrifty!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all of you folks!